Our Fees
Professional Healthcare for all the Family
GP Consultation €60
GP Consultation with Blood test €70
Extended GP Consultation – you may request an extended consultation for more than 3 issues €80
GP Follow-up Consultation (for same problem within one week) No Fee
GP Follow-up Consultation (for same problem within two weeks) €20
GP Follow-up Consultation & Bloods (for same problem within two weeks) €30
GP Home Visit Fee €70
GP/Nurse Visit & ECG €80
GP/Nurse Visit with ECG & Bloods €110
GP/Nurse Visit with 24Hr BP Monitor €95
GP/Nurse Visit with 24Hr BP Monitor & Bloods €120
Practice Nurse Consultation €40
Implanon Insertion €90
Implanon Removal €70
Implanon Removal & Reinsertion €90
Mirena Coil Counselling, Insertion & 1 follow-up Consultation €180
Mirena Coil Counselling, Removal & Replacement & 1 follow-up Consultation €180
Mirena Coil Removal €90
Copper Coil Counselling, including supply (€40) & Insertion (€140) €180
Sexual Health Screening (swabs, bloods & counselling) €80
Well Woman Health Check / Gynae (extended appointment)
Physical exam, bloods, +/- swabs, counselling, contraceptive advice €150
Well Man Health Check (extended appointment)
Physical exam, risk factor assessment, bloods, testosterone assessment, prostate exam €120
· 15 min Practice Nurse: bloods, swabs etc (1-2 weeks prior to GP appt)
· 45 min GP appt €200
· 15 min GP follow-up appt within 3/12
· 15 min Practice Nurse: bloods etc €40
· 30 min GP appt €100
Suturing (please note – this is fully covered by private health insurance)
Initial Consultation, Suturing and or/glue €70
Consultation for removal of sutures only €35
Injection Vit B12, Depo per visit (for full course of Vit B12 = €60) €10
Wound Care/Dressing Clinic (please note – debridement of wounds is fully covered by private health insurance)
Initial Consultation & dressing €25
Subsequent Dressing per Consultation €10
Cryotherapy Clinic (please note – this is fully covered by private health insurance)
Initial GP Consultation & Cryotherapy €60
Subsequent Cryotherapy per treatment if required (follow up from initial visit) €25
Diabetic Care Clinic - Annual Fee (please note – this does not cover GP visits)
4 Practice Nurse Diabetic Consults, including annual ECG, bloods, 24 Hr BP Monitor if required, annual Flu Vaccine €180
Asthma Care Clinic - Annual Fee
1 GP review & up to 2 Practice Nurse Asthma Consults including an annual Spirometry Test €120
Spirometry Test (once off) €60
Cardiovascular Care Clinic – Annual Fee
Initial GP Consultation, ECG, full bloods, family risk assessment, lifestyle & healthy living advice 180
Driver Licence Forms
Group 1 €50
Group 2 (HGV) €70
Pre-Employment Medicals €70
Passport Forms €20
Letters or Referrals (other than those related to consultants/hospitals) €20
Seafarers Marine Medical (please note – seafarer must have a valid seafarer ID with them for completion of Medical) €150
Letters to Social Welfare, Council or similar, including miscellaneous forms €20
Travel Vaccinations – Please enquire at Reception
Clinic Fees
30 min Consultation €80.00
Including (Cryotherapy) Treatment (No Health Insurance) €90-€120 depending on areas treated
Including (Cryotherapy) Treatment (with Health Insurance) complete Claim Forms & submit
Removal of skin lesions, skin tags or moles – to be confirmed
First Visit: 30 min Consultation €70.00 (Not covered under GMS)
Subsequent visits: 15 min Consultation €60.00 (Not Covered under GMS)
30 min Consultation €80.00: swabs, +/- bloods required, contraceptive advice including emergency contraception.
Follow up consult via phone/text
If Copper Coil required – extra charge may apply unless GMS holder
45 min Assessment Consultation €260: menopause / contraceptive advice, which may include all necessary bloods, heart screening, cardiovascular risk (QRisk) assessment including ECG, 24 hour BP monitor, Bone Density (Frax Score), Urinanalysis including GP Consult, Nurse Consult and follow-up review of investigations
45 min Assessment Consultation €260: which may include all necessary bloods, prostate, heart screening, cardiovascular risk assessment including ECG, 24 hour BP monitor, Urinanalysis including GP Consult, Nurse Consult and follow-up review of investigations
45 min Consultation €200: Menopause assessment which may include all necessary bloods, swabs & symptom management. This includes:15min Nurse (pre-bloods etc), 45min GP & follow-up 15min GP appt after 3/12